LGBTQ+ Initiatives & Student Support

Systemwide support for LGBTQ+ students.

In partnership with the Chancellor’s Office, FoundationCCC is working to provide support staff, technical assistance, and varying levels of a systemwide coordination of resources for community colleges to holistically and intentionally serve their LGBTQ+ student population.  Although our LGBTQ+ students hold multiple identities — some of which are served by existing programs on campuses (e.g., current and former foster youth, undocuscholars) — they need specific resources and support that acknowledges and affirms their LGBTQ+ identity.  Through our targeted support, colleges can find student resources, promising practices, initiative updates, and ways to connect with colleagues across the system to learn how to support their LGBTQ+ student population.

LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee

Composed of influential community college leaders, practitioners, and students statewide, the LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee aims to make significant strides in achieving LGBTQ+ student success and establishing equitable supports throughout the system. The committee will serve as a vital link between stakeholders – including students, community colleges, and state agencies – as well as foster collaboration and advocacy for the improvement of LGBTQ+ student services, make recommendations for policy updates, and share promising practices to ensure students have a safe environment to thrive in while accomplishing their higher education goals.