Supplemental Rate Payments for Family Child Care Providers – FAQs
FAQs: Supplemental Rate Payments for Family Child Care Providers
Pursuant to the agreement between the State of California and the Child Care Providers United (CCPU) union, and Assembly Bill (AB) 131 (Section 264), $289,000,000 in funding through June 2023 is available through reimbursement rate supplements to support eligible family child care providers in addressing equity in child care provider pay and increasing reimbursement rates. This supplemental pay was distributed in a one-time payment to eligible providers in this fiscal year 2022, followed by monthly payments to eligible providers during the Fiscal Year 2023 from January 2023 – June 2023.
The Foundation for California Community Colleges is the official nonprofit auxiliary partner to the California Community Colleges. The organization’s work benefits colleges, students, and communities, and aims to promote more equitable outcomes for all Californians. Recognizing the Foundation’s statewide reach, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has contracted with them to issue and distribute the supplemental rate payments.
The deadline to submit W 9 information has passed, and payments can no longer be made for either time period.
Since the payments totaled more than $600, they are taxable. 1099s will be mailed by January 31 for prior year payments.
For questions or to provide updated mailing information, please email us at
Please visit these additional resources:
- Child Care Law Center (Opens in a new window) - Governor’s COVID information (Opens in a new window) - California Business COVID information (Opens in a new window) - Employment Development Department (Opens in a new window) - California Department of Social Services (Opens in a new window) - California Department of Public Health (Opens in a new window) - California Resource and Referral Network (Opens in a new window) - Child Care Providers United
For more information, please visit CDSS’ website