Diversifying Our State’s Workforce
As the largest and most diverse system of higher education in the nation, the California Community Colleges has an important role to play in actively preparing the workforce that builds our economy and strengthens our communities.
Breaking Barriers to Employment Initiative
Supporting employment pipelines to economic security.The Breaking Barriers to Employment Initiative supplements existing workforce and education programs by providing services to ensure the success of individuals with barriers to employment, particularly to historically underrepresented and economically overlooked populations such as veterans, refugees, formerly-incarcerated individuals, women of color, immigrants, and more. Programs supported by the initiative are awarded through grants administered by FoundationCCC on behalf of the California Workforce Development Board. These programs help individuals gain the skills and resources needed to successfully enter the workforce, retain employment, and earn wages that lead to self-sufficiency, and eventually, economic security.
Learn moreCalifornia Medicine Scholars Program
Diversifying the healthcare workforce.Housed at FoundationCCC, the California Medicine Scholars Program (CMSP) is developing a statewide, coordinated pathway to produce a diverse physician workforce designed to increase health equity and decrease health disparities. CMSP is an intersegmental effort engaging medical schools, four-year public and private universities, community colleges, and community-based health clinics and organizations, to work together to provide diverse students with tailored support through their pre-med journey and into the healthcare workforce.
Learn more opens in a new windowCalifornia LAW
A diverse pipeline from high school to law school.California LAW was created to help coordinate programs that are part of the educational pipeline for diverse students seeking a career in the legal profession or law-related fields. The program is working to establish a pipeline of diverse students from high schools, community colleges, four-year institutions, and law schools into law or law-related careers so that the legal profession reflects the diverse population of California.
Learn more opens in a new windowNursing Education Investment Grants
Benefiting nursing programs at California Community Colleges.The Nursing Education Investment Grants Program is designed to benefit nursing education at the California Community Colleges. Annual funds are administered by FoundationCCC to support projects that facilitate, coordinate with, or complement efforts to educate and train nurses throughout community college campuses statewide. Current and past grantees piloted projects focused on racial diversity in nursing education, the development of a mobile app to simplify nursing student onboarding for clinical rotations, faculty and nursing leadership DEI professional development, expanding nursing education pathways in communities with critical nursing shortages, and more.
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