Our Work

FoundationCCC is the trusted nonprofit partner to the California Community Colleges. Since 1998, we have been providing supportive programs and services that benefit students and colleges, and positively improve our communities.

Evergreen Valley College

FoundationCCC programs reach nearly 2 million students across the California Community Colleges’ 73 districts and 116 campuses. We leverage our flexible, nimble structure to support the system and respond quickly to state needs with bold, innovative solutions that are designed to promote equitable outcomes and economic mobility for all Californians.

Six guiding areas of impact help focus our efforts: student success, workforce development, equity, community impact, system support, and climate action. Across these areas, we seek out opportunities to facilitate collaboration, accelerate innovation, and increase resources through partnership with philanthropy, corporations, government, and educational institutions.

Areas of Impact

Area of Impact

Student Success

FoundationCCC works closely with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to accelerate student completion and transfer rates, and help students achieve their educational and career goals. Through the sharing, adoption, and implementation of large-scale, systemwide reforms, the Student Success team helps advance the system’s strategic plan, the Vision for Success.

Student Success – Learn More
Area of Impact

Workforce Development

Our nation’s evolving economy requires a diverse and prepared workforce. FoundationCCC operates workforce development programs that connect high school and college students to work-based learning opportunities and ensure they can achieve good, paid jobs.

Workforce Development – Learn More
Area of Impact


FoundationCCC Equity efforts provide quality resources and support to help individuals meet their basic needs and overcome barriers to success. Programs focus on mental health, food insecurity, financial literacy, and more, and lift communities historically underserved by higher education.

Equity – Learn More
Area of Impact

Community Impact

California’s community colleges are the heart of every region – the success of our students directly contributes to the overall improvement of our communities. FoundationCCC utilizes its extensive network of colleges and deep understanding of California’s diverse populations to conduct outreach programs. These initiatives aim to connect students and their families with resources such as relief funds, environmental equity resources, and various other benefits that empower them to thrive.

Community Impact – Learn More
Area of Impact

Climate Action

As the largest system of higher education in the nation, the California Community Colleges has the ability to help mitigate the effects of climate change through its extensive physical presence, community connections, and role in workforce development. Guiding these efforts at FoundationCCC is the Center for Climate Futures, which promotes climate action through community colleges to make a significant and lasting impact on our environment and society.

Climate Action – Learn More
Area of Impact

System Support

As the official nonprofit supporting the California Community Colleges, FoundationCCC plays an important role on a statewide level. We provide systemwide resources and tools to assist local colleges and partners in navigating a large, decentralized system. This includes programs which provide access to significant cost savings, distribution of scholarships, and fiscal sponsorship and management services.

System Support – Learn More