LGBTQ+ Initiatives & Student Support
Find ways to support LGBTQ+ students on campus.
In partnership with the Chancellor’s Office, FoundationCCC is working to provide support staff, technical assistance, and varying levels of a systemwide coordination of resources for community colleges to holistically and intentionally serve their LGBTQ+ student population. Although our LGBTQ+ students hold multiple identities — some of which are served by existing programs on campuses (e.g., current and former foster youth, undocuscholars) — they need specific resources and support that acknowledges and affirms their LGBTQ+ identity. Through our targeted support, colleges can find student resources, promising practices, initiative updates, and ways to connect with colleagues across the system to learn how to support their LGBTQ+ student population.
Composed of influential community college leaders, practitioners, and students statewide, the LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee aims to make significant strides in achieving LGBTQ+ student success and establishing equitable supports throughout the system. The committee will serve as a vital link between stakeholders – including students, community colleges, and state agencies – as well as foster collaboration and advocacy for the improvement of LGBTQ+ student services, make recommendations for policy updates, and share promising practices to ensure students have a safe environment to thrive in while accomplishing their higher education goals.
Sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data collection and usage practices in California Community Colleges.
Save the date for our statewide summit.
Mental health resource for LGBTQ+ students.
Mental health resource for LGBTQ+ students.
Find LGBTQ+ community centers nationwide.
Ally training opportunity for foundational LGBTQ+ understanding and inclusion.
Ally training opportunity for campus staff.
Directory of LGBTQ+-friendly campuses.
Submit LGBTQ+ campus resources to our Equity team.
Explore archives of the annual LGBTQ+ Summit event.
Forum for legislators to discuss issues that affect LGBTQ Californians.
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